Doctor appointment timings can be checked and immediate online booking can be done through *DR COM*. This eliminates the need for phone calls and long waiting times. Improved access to health care was just the beginning. It is likely that your healthcare experience is still not completely perfect.

For this reason, innovative solutions will constantly be developed and brought forward by *DR COM*. Our mission will always be the same, which is to give the power to the patient.

It is our belief that there is no better way of providing the healthcare experience that is deserved by us.

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The DR COM App is a one of a kind mobile Application that ensures free flow of information between doctors and patients while maintaining the highest level of security standards. Combining technology and health is not new but blending the two to provide effortless patient doctor communication is the specialty of this particular App.

Find Doctors

Search for health facilities and find the nearest one depending on the regions by using the name of facilities & physician or specialty. In addition, the other health services.

Book Appointment

Patients can make appointments with their doctors via DR COM App, obtain notifications and reminders for locked Appointments, and maintain their health forms online in a secure way.

Search Specialty

The App gives you all insurance companies at all facilities and possibility of providing coverage at the selected institution.

Easily Handle Multiple Functions

The DR COM, e-health communication tool offers a great way to handle the multiple features and ensures seamless communication between doctors / clinics and patients to avoid errors in Appointments.

Get Performance Ratings

With the system, the number of times a Doctor has performed a specific procedure that you need, can also be checked, doctor ratings from patients.

Secured Information

Ensures free flow of information between doctors and patients while maintaining the highest level of security standards.


Life is full of challenges and the best challenges are those that make dreams come true, and to see your dreams you must wake up to your goals.

" Success begins with an idea that drives' to success "

We present the result of an idea left by people who looked to the future and accepted the challenge with determination, courage, and work in the spirit of creative cooperation.

Today, "Drcom" provides all health services with the best and latest electronic services in a creative and modern manner that serves all segments of society.


  • Mr. Sultan M Al harbi - Chairman
  • Dr. Ali Abdulaziz Ali - Co-founder
  • Mr. Mohammed S Al Ghamdi - Founder


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